Best Speaking Course in Lucknow Feedback by Aman Singh

Friends , Now a days , English is not considered just as a language but a skill set. People are in haste to learn english for better opportunities in life. In modern world without having command over english , opportunities may be devoided.

Moresoever, People are joining classes for learning english. They follow variety of sources such as – Online Mode or Offline Mode or Phygital Mode (Physical + Digital) , but they are unable to get the desired results.

Friends however , English is not our mother tongue , so we have to learn the language , for speaking it correctly in this modern world. we need confidence , Environment and Practice for speaking Good English.

Moreover , In My Case , I joined American Institute Of Gomti Nagar Branch on my friend’s recommendation. American Institute is considered as best english speaking learning centre in lucknow. Before Joining, American Institute of Gomti Nagar , I was introvert and was unable to put my views to others in english language. After Joining American Institute of Gomti Nagar Branch ,I could speak good english. At American, Deepak Sir and other faculty members provide friendly environment , they help me and other individual in speaking good english, they rectify basic grammar mistakes and also help in development of good language skills. At American , I improve my english , while participating in Role Play Activities , Group Discussion or Extempore Speech.

Friends , Earlier I used to believe that in 2-3 months no one can learn to speak english , but American institute of gomti nagar proved me wrong. They showed why they are considered as best english speaking classes in lucknow. They help in holistic personality development.

Overall , My experience at American Institute of Gomti nagar branch was good. what is yours, do share…….

Thanks & Regards
Aman Singh.

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